Next-generation team building

Surely every company has wondered: How to unite the team during team building, effectively convey values, or communicate goals to each employee without repeating past experiences?

Unfortunately, the traditional offline format of team building has some limitations — too many participants, the geography of simultaneous branch coverage is limited, and everyone is already familiar with the tasks and locations. All of this can affect the quality of engagement of each employee and the achievement of the team building goals.

Time does not stand still; innovations emerge that help not only in everyday life but also in various business spheres and industries. One such innovation that has stepped into team building is called Digital Teambuilding.
Digital Teambuilding

This is a next-generation program (a hybrid of offline and online activities) that adapts to the goals and objectives of each company individually, with a user-friendly interface and a multitude of functions.
All actions take place in real time and location, but using gadgets through which everyone is fully engaged. It's also important to note that the results achieved by each employee are demonstrated and updated online on the website every second, allowing for tracking the dynamics of achievements.

Participants can create and register teams without limitation on the number or locations. Over 2,000 people from different cities in the country can reunite in any area (office, city, etc.) thanks to personal devices for performing various tasks: from shooting a creative video on a given topic to online and offline terrain orientation, or solving a password for a team whose members may be in different cities. In this quest program, the routes and tools are much more diverse than in a typical location-based outing with a list of activities, which means they will attract more interest and attention from employees.
In addition to overall engagement, company standards are worked out within the framework of team building. Coherence and team patriotism increase, as physical distance between branches ceases to be a barrier. Importantly, digital team building offers the opportunity to promote the company through quest tasks.

Flexible tasks are another strong feature of Digital Teambuilding. Each new goal appears only after the completion of the previous one. Moreover, they depend on the format of participation. The task can be individual, team-based, or mixed. In the case of branch participation, the concept of goals will be unified for the entire company, but tasks will be tailored to the route of each branch separately.

Digital Teambuilding is a new word and a new step not only in technology but also in company building. Simplicity and ease of use, a wide range of possibilities, unconventional approaches to familiar tasks, and innovations in working with people — all of this is in one methodology.
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Ilya Bakharev
Founder of Discovery Group
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much!
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